Lens Artists Challenge – Last Chance

Having only joined the lens artist challenge last week I’m fortunate to have a years worth of pictures to choose from for this weeks challenge which is hosted by all so I’ll link it to Sofia’s Post.

The theme provides an opportunity to post pictures that were taken in 2024 but have not previously been posted. It’s also an opportunity for me to post some of the non walking related pictures that I take on my travels.

Titanica. Taken in October at the Titanic Experience, Belfast. 

The sculptor Rowan Gillespie explains “I visited Titanic Quarter…and was so inspired by the stunning architecture and the energy of the development and the construction working there that I was moved to make something special for the area. I hope Titanica provides as much joy for those who see her as I had in making her“.

Red Bench. Feeling quite at home in the ‘Englischer Garten‘, Interlaken. I like the clean, colourful bench, new I suspect. Taken in August.

“The people of Semur are happy in the company of foreigners”. A lesson for our times surely from 1552? Unfortunately its an early case of ‘fake news’ as the rest of the quote is conveniently missed out. “The people of Semur are happy in the company of foreigners, but hate the French much more”. Taken at the medieval entrance gate to Semur-en-Auxois in July. 

Patterns. It’s all about the patterns in the half timbered houses of medieval Troyes. Think Beauty and the Beast. Taken in August.

Dust to Dust. A 13th century solid Oak coffin set into a 10th century Norman Arch by 19th century Victorians. All perfectly normal behaviour in the great historic City of Chester. Taken at St John the Baptist Church in September.

ALT de 1039. Chamonix-Mont-Blanc railway station is higher than any land in England and still has trains that run on time. Taken in July.

Stained Glass, Paint Splash. I was struck by the randomness of the reflected colours compared to the precise order of the Stained Glass itself. Taken at the Gothic church of Collegiale Notre-Dame, Semur-en-Auxois in July.

World Fireworks Championship. This picture is from the USA’s entry, Poland went on to win the trophy. Taken at Blackpool Pleasure Beach October. 



21 Replies to “Lens Artists Challenge – Last Chance”

  1. Nice photos Jim. You should do more posting of your trips both abroad and the UK. I liked your comment about the trains in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc. 👍👍😊 I’m not sure if anyone was impressed, or not, when we told our visitors in Evolène that they were higher (@1410m) than anywhere in Britain. 😲

    1. Thanks Mike, I think it’s something only Hillwalkers who are obsessed with height might notice! It’s all relative I suppose, I think La Paz is nearly 13,000ft! I have thought about posting more non walking related posts, we head off to Europe for a month or so each year so I have plenty of material, time to write them is the problem!

  2. What a fantastic gallery, Jim. You’ve been to some really interesting places and your photographic eye gave us wonderful gems. I love the first one, the patterns at Troyes and the railway station.

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