
Welcome to my own small corner of the World Wide Web

You’ll have already gathered that I enjoy Hillwalking, Hiking, Trekking, call it by your own name but essentially putting one foot in front of the other in places without tarmac.

In following my hobby I’ve been fortunate to have walked in some of the world’s most beautiful natural places. In my travels I’ve always kept a walking journal, a place where I record my observations, thoughts and personal reflections and over the past few years this website has become the public facing extension of that personal journal. 

Each post is accompanied by my own photography and video and a route map with statistics for those who are interested and geolocated pictures of the route described. 

Among other walking adventures I am currently walking the Wainwrights Book by Book. If you have no idea what that is you can read about it HERE 

If you enjoy reading my blog please consider subscribing and you’ll never miss a post. 




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